I've always been a rule follower so I'm blaming one of my many character flaws on a familar rhyhm I learned as a child.
Secrets, secrets are no fun.
Secrets, secrets hurt someone.
I never liked secrets as a kid, I knew they would hurt someone or hurt me. Still to this day I cannot keep a secret. Some secrets are good, some are bad. I defintiely am not good at keeping either. I'm lucky to have a few different groups of friends in my life, so that if someone in one group tells me a secret, I can tell someone else who doesn't know them at all. That's how I roll.
You can tell me something in confidence, just know that I might have to tell someone else in another friend group that doesn't know you and most likely never will. I just can't hold it in.
The Garth Brooks Dilemma.
10 years ago
ummm yeah. i always have to call my mom & tell her. or tell one of my roommates. i just can't keep those things in. i mean seriously, can anyone??
It's okay, Jaci, I still love you!!! xxoo
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