Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Last weekend was our Student Ministries' Retreat. I always look forward to it because it's not as long and exhausting as camp but it's so much more fun than anything else. At times, I feel like I'm running around with my head cut off but it's definitely worth it! I loved spending time with our students and youth workers. We ended retreat on Sunday morning by coming back for a special service at our church. We had a spontaneous baptism service that was incredible. It was like nothing I have ever experienced before. God was present and moving throughout the sanctuary like I've never felt before. All together we had 174 people baptized! How amazing is that?! I just cried and cried...then I would run out of tears...then I would cry and cry. Several of our pastors were baptized and a couple of them even got to baptize their own children. They're were couples and entire families that were baptized together. It's really indescribable, but I felt the presence of God like never before.

I have so much school work to do it's crazy. I have 10-2 page papers, 1-5 page paper, 1-10 page paper, 2-class presentations and I'm sure a few other things that I haven't even thought of yet. I'm just tired of school and it's only my first grad class. I'm enjoying the classes, I really am. It's a sociocultural class and that can be difficult because we talk about a lot of racial issues. Last week there were 3 people in tears trying to "prove" that they weren't racist. It's an emotionally exhausting class. I'm defintely ready to turn in everything and move to the next thing.

I honestly can't think of a good ha this week...come on readers, make me laugh!

This goes back to my Lo but I'm just looking forward to turning in everything for my class. I'm ready to be done with this anxiety is not cool.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My 2 loves...DVR and reality t.v.

I admit that I am a reality t.v. junkie.  I love prank shows.  I love game shows.  I love dating shows.  I love talent shows.  I LOVE REALITY TV.  I hate admitting this because I know some people will look down on me, but I'm all about honesty!  You have to step out of denial and into reality!  Now I know that some people believe that reality t.v. is not you people I say, I DON'T CARE!  I STILL LOVE IT!

My top 10 favorite reality shows (@ the moment):
10. Survivor 
9. The Amazing Race
8. Road Rules/Real World Challenge
7. The City
6. The Hills
5. Howie Do It
4. Jon & Kate plus 8
3. The Biggest Loser
2. American Idol
1. The Bachelor

There are shows that I don't like, don't get me wrong there are some BAD reality shows.  I just love seeing people go for their dreams and to be honest I love seeing crazy people.  It's true entertainment for me!

Just last week, I joined the world of cable t.v and DVR.  My life will be forever changed. I've only had it for 6 days but DVR gets my award for the best invention of this century.  I don't have a lot of time to watch t.v. but man when I's just me and my DVR.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hi-Lo-Ha-La in Dallas #3

Jamie did a fun photo shoot of Mariko and I before we departed Dallas.  I'm sure pictures will be coming soon!  We had a great time playing on the train tracks!

I loved being with the girls and was sad to get in the car and drive 3 hours home.  

As I was climbing down off an old train car, I bit it.  I didn't realize how far down I had to go.  I jumped then fell.  It all happened so fast that I didn't have time to check to see if I was hurt or not.  Thankfully nothing dislocated!

This weekend is our Student Ministries retreat.  It will be busy at work but definitely worth it.  Retreat is always one of my favorite events of the year!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hi-Lo-Ha-La in Dallas #2

We crammed as much into one day as possible.  This morning we went to the Dallas Art Museum's King Tut exhibit.  Egyptian pyramids was the only thing I actually enjoyed learning about in history classes.  It was really cool to see all the artifacts and learned more about their culture.

We also went to The 6th Floor Museum.  It is in the building where JFK was shot from.  I really enjoyed learning more about JFK's life.  It was really an emotional thing for me.  Tears came a few times, while watching footage of the parade and hearing Jacqueline talk about her husband.  
Shout out to Lindsey!  Thanks for the phone call, you are so thoughtful and my breast friend!

Similar Lo to yesterday...Dallas highways are too confusing and frustrating.

We were a little frustrated trying to find dinner once again tonight.  Mariko was driving and we were just trying to get back on the highway.  She turned left and as she did, we realized we were going the wrong way on a one-way street!  There was a large median and no where to go...thankfully God saved us from the crazy streets of Dallas.  Lots of laughter after the fear of death!

Tomorrow we are doing a little photo session.  I'm no model, but I think it will be fun!

Hi-Lo-Ha on location in DALLAS!

Seeing Jamie and Mariko!  They arrived at room 402 around 5:30 p.m. and we just had good times laughing and planning our friends destination weddings!  Get ready Erin and're weddings are going to rock!

We drove around Dallas for 3 hours trying to find a restaurant to eat at.  Seriously, this is Dallas!!!  It's a ginormous city!  What in the world!  I drove on about 25 different highways and througohly did not love it!

After finding a restaurant, we were compeletly lost.  I stopped at a gas station to pick up a map and get us back to the hotel.  As I was walking up to the regester, a man saw me and ask where I was trying to go.  I showed him on the map and as he kept touching my back and my arms, he tried to explain to me how to get back.  I kept backing away from him and his bad breath.  I finally just said, "Thank You" and walked out.  He followed me and once again explained how to get back to the hotel.  He then grabbed my hand and asked me if I had a boyfriend.  I said, "Yes!" and as I walked to my car he asked, "Can I get a hug?"  Before I could reply he was already hugging me.  Yuck!  Dirty, sketchy men in Dallas!  Definitely not my type! :)

We're are headed to the King Tut exhibit at the Dallas Art Museum.  I've always loved pyramids and Egyptian history.

Friday, February 13, 2009


My friends, Jamie and Mariko, are awesome.  They live in Austin and a couple months ago mentioned meeting halfway in Dallas!  We decided to turn down all of our Valentine's Day dates and do it!!!  I'm at our hotel waiting for them to get here and can't wait!  Get excited for this....I may have a Hi-Ha every hour!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Friends

Wordle: Jaci's friends

My Family

Wordle: Jaci's family

My Words

My friend, Jamie, found this website that is really cool.  Check it out at
You just put a link to your blog in to the website and it pops up a "picture" with the words you use most often.
  Wordle: Jaci's blog