I got to go to Corpus Christi to visit my parents for 5 days. It was so nice to get out and just sleep and relax and be. On Saturday my friends Mariko and Jamie came dowm from Austin. We took a coastline boat tour that was pretty relaxing. I also got to play with Buddy, our dog and my parents newcat, Bob Dylan....yes it's name it Bob Dylan. On Sunday, my parents and I went to South Padre Island to see the Annual Sand Sculpting competition. It was incredible stuff. Check out the pics!

I boarded my dog Bailey for the very first time. I dropped her off at 5:30 a.m. and as I left she sat by the vet's door and didn't leave until I was completely gone! I cried like I was leaving my child at school for the very first time...it was ridiculous, but sincere. I love my dog! When I picked her up last night she didn't really care about me, she just wanted to be outside and free! I hate to leave her at the vet, but it really was the best thing. I have to do it again at Christmas time so maybe she'll like it better then. The vet is supposed to have pet cams, like webcams up then. I don't know if that's good or bad though. It would be cool to see her, but sad if she's just laying around in her crate. Poor puppy!
On Friday, my mom and I went shopping. As we were leaving a department store, my mom said, "Oh Jaci, have you smelled these candles before?" I replied with a "no". She tried to open one so that I could smell it but it was sealed. She looked around for a tester candle but couldn't find one, so decided to pop the lid and stuck it up to my nose so I could smell it. I instantly thought it smelled wierd then some of the "candle" splooshed out on my face. It was HONEY MUSTARD! I laughed so hard, my mom is a dork but definitely funny.
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Good times!!!!
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