Here are some of my favorite things about camp: Moose tracks ice cream, morning mania, Bob, Gizmos, lifeguard towers, sneaking into the boathouse, peeing with Erin, inspiration point, breakfast cookouts, campfires, Jason Reeses' jungle room, outdoor chapel, front lawn, dancing with Amy, trip locker hammock, the Bowlings, Chibougalash shirts :), broomball, lifeguarding in the boats, Uncle JJ and Aunt Rose, cabin assignment day, the blob, Anson and the boys it was named after, the Bowlings, evening meeting prayer times, days off in Maine, fridays=pizza + chocolate milk, Mike Brigham, whitewater rafting, the Wathnes' home, MRO trips, late night swims, counselor hunt, the St. Johns, mission impossible, throwing balls at Whitetail and Wapiti counselors, sneaking into the Hawk, late night talks with Jess, banquets, Miss Deer Run, visiting Aqua Jane and her awesome house, docks in Wolfeboro, hot chocolate, Medieval Massacre, changeover weekend, walkie-talkies, activity signups, sledding on mattresses, John H. reading Narnia books, ceramics, shooting the bike class with the tennis ball lancher, counselor bible studies, Bobbe Hackman awards :), mentor time, Andy Morgan male model Winnipesaukee, walmart runs, Wolfe's Tavern, Ossipee church, co-counselors, Weirs beach, mail time, snack shack, camp videos, sneaking into the loon for A/C, picnic lunches, lifeguard training with Terry and Liz, learning to sail, Plum Island campouts, camp weddings, reunions, sing-us-a-song's, plunging toilets in the Reindeer cabin, staff week, lodge parties and ceiling fans, teaching rockets to 8-year-old boys, learning to drive stick in the orange jeep...the list goes on forever.

I wonder if there's any way you could get Bob to send you a tub of Moose Tracks ice cream. Can he send us one? It's quite legendary & I want to try some. =)
Jaci this made my heart go boom boom boom :D
I miss camp...and I miss you.
oh my i had forgotton about the JUNGLE ROOM!!!! ahhhh...i love camp...it makes me sad and happy thinking about the fantastic times we had together there!! i miss camp too...i miss you...come a bit east and visit me in kville soon~!!!!love u, B<><
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