Wednesday night I had the oppourtunity to speak to our middle school students. I talked about being a "Secret Survivor". We all have secrets. Some secrets are funny and some secrets are serious. I shared a few of my own "secrets" and then let them share their own. We have to talk about our secrets and our hurts to truly begin to heal. I love seeing God work in their lives as well as my own. Secret Survivors is a book that Megan Hutchinson (LHGH) and Jen Howver put together. It tells the stories of 7 individuals who found healing in sharing their secrets. It's a great book!

I'm in my second week of grad school and I'm already behind. Not by a's only one chapter of reading but I really want to be ahead. Stress is not my friend.
I think I'm going to have to stick with my previous post about my friend Justin and his girlfriend. I am a dork.
I think I'm going to have to stick with my previous post about my friend Justin and his girlfriend. I am a dork.

1 comment:
I like cupcakes.
Even though I don't really care who wins the super bowl, I am looking forward to watching it. My uncle's a big Steelers fan, but, I may have to root for the WC Cardinals. Matty Leinhart's not playing though, is he? =)
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