Saturday night I went with Jimmy, Bethany and Lee to Weatherford, OK (about an hour away from OKC) to visit to Corn Maze! It was Bethany's 23rd birthday!
We were the only group there and we had a blast. We played in the corn for a good hour and a half before finding our way out!
My second "hi" of the week happened last night. We started our Senior High small groups. I've led a middle school girls group the last two years, but this was my first small group time with our high school girls. We had a blast together! After eating dinner at our host home, we sat out on the trampoline and got to know each other a little bit better. We talked about the hi-lo-ha's of our week and shared prayer requests. I'm really looking forward to next week when we make our "talking stick"!
Friday afternoon I called a good friend from high school, college, and now! We were supposed to get together that night. She told me she wouldn't be able to get together and then shared with me how she had just found out she had a miscarriage in her 11th week. My heart immediately began to hurt for her and her husband. I began to cry for them. There were no words except for, "I am so sorry and I love you." I understand a lot of why God does what he does, but not that. Maybe I'll understand someday...but not today. God, May my friends' tears express what words cannot. Be with them, comfort them, give them peace and understanding that can only come from you.
Yesterday my Sunday School class had lunch together and then played the game, Battle of the Sexes. I do not recommend it, the guys questions are SO much easier than the girls. Although the guys won twice we had a lot of fun laughing at each other. The girls got a question that read something like this, "Tonto is to The Lone Ranger as Obi-Wan Kenobi is to _____________." First of all, I don't know anything about The Lone Ranger much less Star Wars (it took about 5 minutes on Wikipedia for me to figure out how to even spell Obi-Wan Kenobi). My response to this question was, "well I bet Tonto is The Long Rangers' horse..." then I pretended to ride a horse. So I had the whole girls team trying to figure out which Star Wars character "rode" Obi-Wan Kenobi. The guys were dying laughing and I honestly had no idea why. I am an idiot. It was pretty funny afterwards when the boys told us that Tonto was actually The Lone Rangers' assistant.
Oh Jaci,
Mental image of you riding an air horse & it's hilarious. =) This is why you need to watch Star Wars. I love that movie--it's my childhood.
I have been looking forward to your hi-lo-ha for this week, Jaci! Next time I'm in OKC, we're doing the corn maze!
I received a similar phone call as your LO right after we moved. I broke when my good friend told me about the loss of her baby. It was honestly one of the hardest things to see a friend go through (and it is still very hard). I am with you on not understanding why this happens, but feeling like God has mysterious reasons for some of these things in life. I am praying for your friend.
Praying for your friend - have a friend who recently went through that (crazy how often it happens).
As far as Hi - are you kidding me?? CORN MAZES??? That's worth a plane flight yo. :) Holler!!
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