I don't remember when I started asking people their Ha of the day. I think it started at camp with my very first caribou cabin. It's the perfect thing to start anybody talking about their life. You just ask, "What's your Hi-Lo-Ha of the Day?" In case you haven't figured it out yet: Hi-best part of your day, L0-worst part of your day, Ha-funniest thing that happened to you today. Now the best part of Hi-Lo-Ha is that the word 'day' is interchangeable with 'week', 'month', or whatever you choose.
My goal is to start sharing my Hi-Lo-Ha of the week every Monday. My week will include the previous Monday to Sunday (yesterday).
Monday night I went to dinner with a friend from college, Sarah, who just moved back this summer. It was so great to catch up, hang out and eat some good Mexican food. I'm looking forward to spending a lot more time with her!
Friday night I went to the Oklahoma State Fair. It was probably the best time I have ever had at the fair. I went with my friends Brittany and Bethany and we were there from 5:30 to 11:30! We went and sat in all the new cars and trucks and then ate yummy fair food, then saw Hanson perform (yes, I did see Hanson and they were actually really good!)

After the concert, we walked through a bunch on new model homes and then watched some karaoke. The thing about karaoke is that there always seems to be a lot of intoxicated people around. There was a older man sitting in front of us who was completely drunk. He kept leaning back in his chair and then falling forward out of the chair. After his third fall forward, we decided to peace-out before he fell backwards onto us. We ended our night with a batch of fried-Oreos and some footsie-wootsie foot massages.

Church was fabulous yesterday. My Sunday school class is going through an 8-week study of the New Testament. It's only in week 2 and I feel so much smarter already. Yesterday, my table discussed Matthew 1-4 and the identity of Jesus and the response of the people. Good, good stuff! Then I went to church and it was great! We have been going through the book of Philippians, which is my favorite! Pastor David talked about partnership and that Paul never traveled alone because there is power in community. In my notes, I also wrote about the fact that God initiates and we respond. He always goes before us and He will always finish what he starts.
I was sick earlier in the week with allergies and a sinus infection. I went to the doctor on Monday and got some antibiotics and shot in my hinny. My pills are ginormous and yucky tasting, but only 5 more days of them. I'm definitely feeling better than I was but still not 100%.
Last night, after a lengthy conversation with Erin about life, love and other mysteries I got off my cell phone and started cleaning my house. I got all of my trash ready to go the to garbage can outside. I had a ton of trash! One bag was full of just the general kitchen trash, another had plastic and paper, and the nastiest bag had old food (curdled milk, spaghetti, old fish, etc.). After I took my trash out to the curb, I went in and got ready for bed. I crawled into my bed when I realized that I didn't have my cell phone which also doubles as my alarm. So I got out of my bed and walked around my house a few times before the thought hit me, "surely I did not throw my phone in the trash". I don't have a home phone so I decided to sign onto Facebook and IM someone who was online to call my cell phone so I could find it. I signed on and Facebook IM was down. So then I signed on to Skype. Jimmy was on! So I call him and explained my situation. He called my phone a couple times as I walked around my house and listened for it. No luck, so at 11:30 at night I take my laptop and my web cam out to the curb and sure enough, John Mayer is singing "I'm just waitin', waitin' for the world to change..." is coming from my trashcan. So I put my laptop and web cam on my car and tell Jimmy that if I get attacked I'll shine my web cam on my attacker so that they can catch him or her. Jimmy reminds me that it's dark outside and he can't even see me. So I open my trashcan and as I gag, I begin to dig through nastiness and finally find my phone. Thankfully, it wasn't covered in much gunk!
One problem with the Hi-Lo-Ha is that sometimes you get thinking about the stuff that has happened to you that week and you can't choose just one. So because I live in a world of indecisiveness, you get more than one Hi this week!
My goal is to start sharing my Hi-Lo-Ha of the week every Monday. My week will include the previous Monday to Sunday (yesterday).
Monday night I went to dinner with a friend from college, Sarah, who just moved back this summer. It was so great to catch up, hang out and eat some good Mexican food. I'm looking forward to spending a lot more time with her!
Friday night I went to the Oklahoma State Fair. It was probably the best time I have ever had at the fair. I went with my friends Brittany and Bethany and we were there from 5:30 to 11:30! We went and sat in all the new cars and trucks and then ate yummy fair food, then saw Hanson perform (yes, I did see Hanson and they were actually really good!)

After the concert, we walked through a bunch on new model homes and then watched some karaoke. The thing about karaoke is that there always seems to be a lot of intoxicated people around. There was a older man sitting in front of us who was completely drunk. He kept leaning back in his chair and then falling forward out of the chair. After his third fall forward, we decided to peace-out before he fell backwards onto us. We ended our night with a batch of fried-Oreos and some footsie-wootsie foot massages.

Church was fabulous yesterday. My Sunday school class is going through an 8-week study of the New Testament. It's only in week 2 and I feel so much smarter already. Yesterday, my table discussed Matthew 1-4 and the identity of Jesus and the response of the people. Good, good stuff! Then I went to church and it was great! We have been going through the book of Philippians, which is my favorite! Pastor David talked about partnership and that Paul never traveled alone because there is power in community. In my notes, I also wrote about the fact that God initiates and we respond. He always goes before us and He will always finish what he starts.
I was sick earlier in the week with allergies and a sinus infection. I went to the doctor on Monday and got some antibiotics and shot in my hinny. My pills are ginormous and yucky tasting, but only 5 more days of them. I'm definitely feeling better than I was but still not 100%.
Last night, after a lengthy conversation with Erin about life, love and other mysteries I got off my cell phone and started cleaning my house. I got all of my trash ready to go the to garbage can outside. I had a ton of trash! One bag was full of just the general kitchen trash, another had plastic and paper, and the nastiest bag had old food (curdled milk, spaghetti, old fish, etc.). After I took my trash out to the curb, I went in and got ready for bed. I crawled into my bed when I realized that I didn't have my cell phone which also doubles as my alarm. So I got out of my bed and walked around my house a few times before the thought hit me, "surely I did not throw my phone in the trash". I don't have a home phone so I decided to sign onto Facebook and IM someone who was online to call my cell phone so I could find it. I signed on and Facebook IM was down. So then I signed on to Skype. Jimmy was on! So I call him and explained my situation. He called my phone a couple times as I walked around my house and listened for it. No luck, so at 11:30 at night I take my laptop and my web cam out to the curb and sure enough, John Mayer is singing "I'm just waitin', waitin' for the world to change..." is coming from my trashcan. So I put my laptop and web cam on my car and tell Jimmy that if I get attacked I'll shine my web cam on my attacker so that they can catch him or her. Jimmy reminds me that it's dark outside and he can't even see me. So I open my trashcan and as I gag, I begin to dig through nastiness and finally find my phone. Thankfully, it wasn't covered in much gunk!
One problem with the Hi-Lo-Ha is that sometimes you get thinking about the stuff that has happened to you that week and you can't choose just one. So because I live in a world of indecisiveness, you get more than one Hi this week!
Wow Jaci. Wow. Sheena likes Hanson too. Fried Oreos? They look scary! They're really good? What's the batter?
Glad your phone's ok. I think you should change your ring tone to "I believe that we can change the world," because WE CAN. Holler!
Sorry we didn't get to talk too in depth. I hope you at least found that movie amusing. =)
Oh Jaci!! Only you would throw your phone away!!!
Hi-Lo-Ha's are a great idea! I have a feeling though that more happens in your life than it does in mine. =) Only you, Jaci. I love it!
I love Hanson!! I can't believe you got to see them...so freakin awesome. I was quite the fan in their hay day, I'd say around 7th grade for me :)...It would be so fun to see them now, too!! haha...
love ya!
at least you didn't drop it in the toilet or something. that happened to my friend last week. only i think it was his glasses and not his phone. STILL. it was hilarious.
i miss hearing funny stories in person from you! hope you're well.
Oh My Jaci, I love the Hi-Lo-Ha. I've started using it with the kids at work. I so enjoy reading your blog. It makes me feel like we aren't so far away.
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