Monday, December 22, 2008
150 movies!
() Rocky Horror Picture Show
(x) Grease
(x) Pirates of the Caribbean
(x) Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest
() Boondock Saints
(x) Fight Club
(x) Starsky and Hutch
(x) Never Ending Story
() Blazing Saddles
() Airplane
Total: 6
(x)the Princess Bride
(x) AnchorMan
(x) Napoleon Dynamite
(x) Pans Labyrinth
(x) Saw
() Saw II
() White Noise
() White Oleander
(x) Anger Management
(x) 50 First Dates
(x) The Princess Diaries
(x) The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
Total so far:15
(x) Scream
(x) Scream 2
(x) Scream 3
() Scary Movie
() Scary Movie 2
() Scary Movie 3
() Scary Movie 4
() American Pie
() American Pie 2
() American Wedding
() American Pie Band Camp
Total so far: 18
(x) Harry Potter 1
(x) Harry Potter 2
(x) Harry Potter 3
(x) Harry Potter 4
() Resident Evil 1
() Resident Evil 2
(x) The Wedding Singer
(x) Little Black Book
(x) The Village
(x) Lilo & Stitch
Total so far: 26
(x) Finding Nemo
(x) Finding Neverland
(x) Signs
(x) The Grinch
(x) Texas Chainsaw Massacre
() Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning
(x) White Chicks
() Butterfly Effect
(x)13 Going on 30
() I, Robot
() Robots
Total so far: 33
(x) Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
() Universal Soldier
() Lemony SnickEt: A Series Of Unfortunate Events
(x) Along Came Polly
() Deep Impact
() KingPin
(x) Never Been Kissed
(x) Meet The Parents
(x) Meet the Fockers
() Eight Crazy Nights
(x) Joe Dirt
Total so far: 39
(x) A Cinderella Story
() The Terminal
(x) The Lizzie McGuire Movie
(x) Passport to Paris
(x) Dumb & Dumber
() Dumber & Dumberer
(x) Final Destination
(x) Final Destination 2
(x) Final Destination 3
(x) Halloween
(x) The Ring
() The Ring 2
(x) Surviving X-MAS
(x) Flubber
Total so far: 50
() Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle
(x) Practical Magic
()Ghost Ship
() Hellboy
() Secret Window
(x) I Am Sam
() The Whole Nine Yards
() The Whole Ten Yards
Total so far: 52
(x) The Day After Tomorrow
() Child's Play
() Seed of Chucky
() Bride of Chucky
(x) Ten Things I Hate About You
(x) Just Married
() Gothika
(x) Nightmare on Elm Street
() Sixteen Candles
(x) Remember the Titans
(x) Coach Carter
(x) The Grudge
() The Grudge 2
() The Mask
() Son Of The Mask
Total so far: 59
() Bad Boys
() Bad Boys 2
() Joy Ride
() Lucky Number Sleven
(x) Ocean's Eleven
() Ocean's Twelve
(x) Bourne Identity
(x) Bourne Supremecy
() Lone Star
() Bedazzled
() Predator I
() Predator II
(x) The Fog
(x) Ice Age
(x) Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
() Curious George
Total so far: 65
(x) Independence Day
() Cujo
() A Bronx Tale
() Darkness Falls
() Christine
(x) ET
() Children of the Corn
(x) My Boss's Daughter
(x) Maid in Manhattan
(x) War of the Worlds
(x) Rush Hour
() Rush Hour 2
Total so far: 71
() Best Bet
(x) How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
(x) She's All That
() Calendar Girls
() Sideways
() Mars Attacks
() Event Horizon
(x) Ever After
(x) Wizard of Oz
(x) Forrest Gump
() Big Trouble in Little China
(x) The Terminator
() The Terminator 2
() The Terminator 3
Total so far: 77
() X-Men
() X-2
() X-3
(x) Spider-Man
(x) Spider-Man 2
(x)Sky High
(x) Jeepers Creepers
() Jeepers Creepers 2
(x) Catch Me If You Can
(x) The Little Mermaid
(x) Freaky Friday
() Reign of Fire
(x) The Skulls
(x) Cruel Intentions
() Cruel Intentions 2
() The Hot Chick
(x) Shrek
(x) Shrek 2
Total so far: 88
(x) Swimfan
(x) Miracle on 34th street
(x) Old School
(x) The Notebook
() K-Pax
() Krippendorf's Tribe
(x) A Walk to Remember
() Ice Castles
() Boogeyman
(x) The 40-year-old-virgin
Total so far: 94
() Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring
() Lord of the Rings The Two Towers
() Lord of the Rings Return Of the King
(x) Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
(x) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
(x) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Total so far: 97
() Baseketball
() Hostel
() Waiting for Guffman
() House of 1000 Corpses
() Devils Rejects
(x) Elf
() Highlander
() Mothman Prophecies
() American History X
() Three
Total so Far: 98
() The Jacket
() Kung Fu Hustle
() Shaolin Soccer
() Night Watch
(x) Monsters Inc.
(x) Titanic
(x) Monty Python and the Holy Grail
(x) Shaun Of the Dead
() Willard
Total so far: 102
() High Tension
() Club Dread
() Hulk
() Dawn Of the Dead
(x) Hook
() Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
(x) 28 Days Later
() Orgazmo
() Phantasm
Total so far: 104
(x) Kill Bill vol 1
() Kill Bill vol 2
() Mortal Kombat
() Wolf Creek
() Kingdom of Heaven
(x) the Hills Have Eyes
() I Spit on Your Grave aka the Day of the Woman
() The Last House on the Left
() Re-Animator
() Army of Darkness
Total so far: 106
() Star Wars Ep. I The Phantom Menace
() Star Wars Ep. II Attack of the Clones
() Star Wars Ep. III Revenge of the Sith
() Star Wars Ep. IV A New Hope
() Star Wars Ep. V The Empire Strikes Back
() Star Wars Ep. VI Return of the Jedi
() Ewoks Caravan Of Courage
() Ewoks The Battle For Endor
Total so far: 106
(x) The Matrix
() The Matrix Reloaded
() The Matrix Revolutions
() Animatrix
() Evil Dead
() Evil Dead 2
() Team America: World Police
() Red Dragon
(x) Silence of the Lambs
(x) Hannibal
Total thus far: 109
(x) Black Hawk Down
() Pearl Harbor
() Hotel Rwanda
(x) Saving Private Ryan
() My Neighbor Totoro
(x) Second Hand Lions
(x) Lars and the Real Girl
(x) Pride and Prejudice
() Death at a Funeral
() 5th Element
() Tears of the Sun
() Hunt for Red October
() Shooter
Total thus far: 114
() Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
() Casablanca
(x) Gone with the Wind
() Sherlock Holmes and the Hound of the Baskervilles
() North by Northwest
() The Birds
() Vertigo
() Psycho
() Breakfast at Tiffany's
() Funnyface
() Am American in Paris
() The Italian Job
Total thus far: 115
() Batman & Robin
(x) Batman Forever
() Batman Begins
() The Dark Knight
(x) Batman
(x) Batman Returns
() Transformers
() Sin City
() 300
(x) Superman Returns
(x) Superman (Christophe Reeves)
() Hellboy 2: the Golden Army
() League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Total thus far: 120
(x) Aladdin
(x) Alice in Wonderland
(x) Bambi
(x) Lady and the Tramp
(x) 101 Dalmatians
(x) Peter Pan
(x) Snow White
(x) Cinderella
(x) Sleeping Beauty
() Mulan
(x) Pocahontas
(x) Sword in the Stone
(x) Pinocchio
(x) Dumbo
(x) Fox & the Hound
Total thus far: 134
(x) Cars
(x) Toy Story
(x) Toy Story 2
() Ratatouille
() Wall-E
(x) Pixar Shorts
() Matilda
() Harriet the Spy
() Balto
(x) American Tail
(x) American Tale: Fievel Goes West
(x) Care Bears
(x) Space Jam
Total thus far: 142
(x) Rudy
(x) Miracle
(x) We are Marshall
(x) Mighty Ducks
(x) D2
(x) Angels in the Outfield
(x) Sandlot
(x) Invincible
Total: 150
I spent a lot of time with the Pollock fam and Stef this week. I love my partners in ministry/crime. Good times...good times!
Friday night I was getting ready to go to bed when I realized I had lost my cell phone. I pulled up the couch cushion and saw it. I went to pick it up and actually knocked it farther into the couch. After nearly breaking all the bones in my hand and flipping the couch several times, I ended up cutting into the couch with scissors and then prying wood apart with a hammer. It took me just over an hour to get the phone out. My hands are all cut up and I now have a broken couch. I didn't cry but by 2 a.m. tears were very near.
There are several funny things that happened this week but none that I feel can be shared over an open blog! So sorry!
I'm excited to see my family for Christmas! 3 days!
Long Pointless Survey
Name: Jacquelyn Paige Bounds
Single or Taken: Single
Happy about that: Sure
Shoe size: 8.5
Height: 5' 6"
What are you wearing right now? My favorite new pink shirt and brown dress pants
Where do you live: In the Bethany bubble
Righty or lefty: Right handed not wrong.
Can you make a dollar in change right now: No I give my change to the pop machine pile.
Kind of pants: Sweatpants
Animal: Bailey Wailey Woo Woo, my dog
Drink: Water
Month: June...beginning of the summer
Juice: White Cranberry Strawberry...yum
Favorite cartoon: I've never liked cartoons.
Given anyone a bath: Yes.
Bungee Jumped? No. I want to but I don't think I'm brave enough.
Skinny dipped? A few times.
Loved someone so much it made you cry? Yes.
Broken a bone: I don't break, I dislocate. Oh that was awesome, I think that's my new motto.
Played truth or dare: A thousand times.
Been on a plane: I love to fly!
Been in a hot tub: Yes, it's best in the snow.
Fallen asleep in school: History at 7:30 a.m., some of the most boring hours of my life.
Ran away? Threatened several times.
Broken someone's heart: Yes.
Cried when someone died: I cry when squirrels die.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call? No.
Saved AIM conversations: In high school.
Made out with JUST a friend? Does it count if you dated them at one point?
Used someone? Not on purpose.
Been cheated on: Yes. Dumb boy!
New fav. song: Single Ladies by Beyonce. This is my theme song...Mariko use this in your next Vimeo! :)
Beside you: A stack of new books to read over Christmas break!
Chicken pox: Yes
Sore Throat: yes, dumb question.
Stitches: My brother and I were boxing on my parents bed when I was 8. I fell between the mattress and the footboard. My shin got attacked. 12 stiches!
Broken nose: Thank goodness no!
Believe in love at first sight: Yes.
Long distance relationships: It can work for awhile.
Like school: All but high school. I'm hoping I love grad school!
Question yourself: All the time. That's why I'm always right. Or am I?
Who was the last person that called you: Erin Hotness McGee
Who makes you smile the most: My friends and kids!
Who knows you the best: Erin...I think we are sisters separated from birth.
Do you like filling this out: I do, I love lists!
Do you wear contact lenses or glasses: I'm going to the eye doctor for the first time in maybe then.
Do you get along with your family: Most of the time.
What did you do yesterday: Church, lunch with Jimmy Crack Corn, Small Group Christmas Party, Harry Potter 3 and Wii with Stef
What car/truck do you wish to have: I had a red Camaro convertible a couple years ago. I miss it! New models are coming out in the Spring of 2009! I want one!
Are you a Good Singer: In my dreams I am! If I could have one wish....I wish I could sing!
How many remote controls are in your house?: 3 plus the Wii remotes
Are you double jointed? I don't think so.
When you last showered: This morning.
Scary or Funny Movies: Funny movies with a little romance! :)
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate all the way.
Rootbeer or Dr. Pepper: I'm a bottled water girl.
Summer or winter: Summer...yeah for camps, mission trips, and fun!
Silver or Gold: Silver.
Diamond or pearls: Pearls are classic but diamonds are a girl's best friend. Pearls for my ears and a diamond for my finger! :)
Sprite or 7up: Only when I'm puking.
Coffee or tea: Sweet Tea.
Phone or in person: In person
Talk to someone you liked: I like lots of yes.
Buy something: Nope.
Get sick: Kind of...I ate a little too much cheese ball today.
Talked to an ex: No
Missed someone: Yes.
Last person who...
Slept in your bed: My mommy.
Saw/heard you cry: my brother
Made you cry: my brother...I love that boy. I want the best for him.
Said "I Love You" to: on a message I left for Lindsey
Ever been in a fight with your pet? No, he's an animal.
Been to Mexico: Holler for Mexico! Been on a mission trip and been for vacation a couple times.
Been to Europe: I wish!
Do you have a crush on someone right now: Not really.
What book are you reading now: Max Lucado - Cast of Characters and Jesus for President and The Youth Workers Guide to Helping Teenagers in Crisis. I love books!
Future KIDS names: I'll have to check with my baby daddy on that.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: No.
What's under your bed: Probably a lost sock or two.
Favorite sport to watch: Football!
Favorite Locations: Camp Brookwoods and Deer Run in Alton, New Hampshire on Lake Winnipesaukee...I miss it!
Tattoos or piercings: Ears, I would totally get a tattoo if I could decide what I want permently on my body.
What are you most scared of right now? I took self-defense...I'm not afraid of anything! I know how to doorbell, steering wheel, start the lawnmover, etc. You best watch yourself.
Who do you really hate? Oh hate is sad. Don't be a hater.
Do you have a job? The best one ever!
Have you ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with? Probably so.
Are you lonely right now? I go through spurts. I have some awesome friends though.
Song that's stuck in your head right now? Irreplaceable...I'm on a Beyonce kick at the moment.
Have you ever played strip poker: No but once in played it strip spoons for about 5 minutes....then I quit.
Have you ever gotten beat up? No.
Have you ever been on radio/TV: On tv, when my parents house got hit by a tornado.
Have you ever been in a mosh-pit: Once or twice, but they were pretty tame.
What color is your underwear? Inappropriate question alert!
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Eyes.
Your Favorite Food? Chips and salsa.
Ever get so drunk you don't remember? I've never been drunk...
Are you too shy to ask someone out? I have so many guys asking me out that I don't have time to ask someone else out. Ha!
Hugs or Kisses: Yes I love chocolate! :)
Dogs or cats? Dogs.
Favorite Flower? Pink ones.
Have you ever fired a gun? Oh yeah! I used to teach BB's to 8 year old boys! :)
How many pillows do you sleep with? I think it's 5 now.
Do you think any of your exs miss you? Maybe so....this is a pretty bad ending to this survey.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
German Shepherd Hater

Last night I went to see my friend Sarah and her new house. Sarah and I went to college here and she recentely moved back. When I went in her house I could hear dogs barking. The first dog was is the cutest baby Husky named Maiya. She is 3 months old and so sweet. Then the scary part...this GIANORMOUS German Shepherd starts pounding down the stairs...seriously the dog was a horse. He saw me and started barking like crazy. I love animals and I have never been afraid of any kind of dog...until that moment. I really thought he was goign to bite me. I was tense the whole time I was there. I am now a German Shepherd hater.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Less of me, More of Him

I've been thinking about this a lot lately. The vision for my church is that we are a fellowship of believers who live out the marks of a Lion/Lamb community. Those marks are Acceptance, Passion, Compassion, Hospitality, Encouragement, Accountability and Forgiveness. At first glance I feel like theses are easy things to "be" because that's what we're called to be as Christians. It's what we should be at least. As I've thought more about each of these characteristics I've really come to the conclusion that I have a lot of work to do. I am accepting (of some people), I am passion (about what I want to be), I do have compassion (on most people), I am hospitable (when I want to to be), I am encouraging (but not always), I am accountable (to people I want to be), and I am forgiving (when they "deserve" it). God doesn't call us to be accepting of people we choose to be accepting of or forgiving of people who deserve it. He calls us to be something so much more. He has given his son for me, for all of us. He calls us to be his children and his light in a dark and fallen world.
I know that I will never be perfect. I just want to be who God created me to be, I want to be someone who exudes these qualities. I want to be so much more of God and so much less of myself.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Camp Deer Run is the camp for me...bum bum bum bum

Here are some of my favorite things about camp: Moose tracks ice cream, morning mania, Bob, Gizmos, lifeguard towers, sneaking into the boathouse, peeing with Erin, inspiration point, breakfast cookouts, campfires, Jason Reeses' jungle room, outdoor chapel, front lawn, dancing with Amy, trip locker hammock, the Bowlings, Chibougalash shirts :), broomball, lifeguarding in the boats, Uncle JJ and Aunt Rose, cabin assignment day, the blob, Anson and the boys it was named after, the Bowlings, evening meeting prayer times, days off in Maine, fridays=pizza + chocolate milk, Mike Brigham, whitewater rafting, the Wathnes' home, MRO trips, late night swims, counselor hunt, the St. Johns, mission impossible, throwing balls at Whitetail and Wapiti counselors, sneaking into the Hawk, late night talks with Jess, banquets, Miss Deer Run, visiting Aqua Jane and her awesome house, docks in Wolfeboro, hot chocolate, Medieval Massacre, changeover weekend, walkie-talkies, activity signups, sledding on mattresses, John H. reading Narnia books, ceramics, shooting the bike class with the tennis ball lancher, counselor bible studies, Bobbe Hackman awards :), mentor time, Andy Morgan male model Winnipesaukee, walmart runs, Wolfe's Tavern, Ossipee church, co-counselors, Weirs beach, mail time, snack shack, camp videos, sneaking into the loon for A/C, picnic lunches, lifeguard training with Terry and Liz, learning to sail, Plum Island campouts, camp weddings, reunions, sing-us-a-song's, plunging toilets in the Reindeer cabin, staff week, lodge parties and ceiling fans, teaching rockets to 8-year-old boys, learning to drive stick in the orange jeep...the list goes on forever.


Friday, December 12, 2008
Picture Game!

Ok so I'm at work right now and this picture was pulled off the internet and used in our Mid-High service a year or so ago. We did a slideshow of how we perseve Jesus. Boring story but it reminds me of the Vintage21 videos. They are hilarious! Don't take them offensively...I think Jesus would laugh.
Monday, December 8, 2008
I am an official graduate student of Oklahoma City University. I start in January! OCU is a private school about 15 minutes from home. It's kind of affiliated with the United Methodist Church. I'm not even sure what the degree I'm pursuing is actually called because it's fairly new at the school and they've changed the name several times already. It's something like Master of Education: Applied Behavioral Studies in Professional Counseling. I want to be a child and adolescent counselor, not in school but in my own facility. I enrolled for my first two classes last Monday and that was really exciting. I'm taking Sociocultural Foundations in Counseling then Addiction. My advisor is interesting to say the least. I think he's a germ-o-phobe because I stuck out my hand to shake his twice and he acted like he didn't see it. He's also real sensitive to smells. I really enjoy awkward people so I'm sure we'll get along well. :)
Thanksgiving was also really good! It's my favorite holiday because it's the only one when I get to see all of my extended family at once.
Life Hurts God Heals graduation was also week before last. It was really fun. I catered in some yummy Mexican food and we had a luau/Survivor theme. There were 16 graduates this time around. Graduation is always bittersweet because I enjoy the break but really miss Tuesday nights with students.
I've just been so busy of the past couple weeks and will be until January. I feel like time is flying by and I'm missing out of just seeing the world. I went to the National Youth Worker's Convention in Nashville and one of the speakers talked about being slow and taking time to take everything in. They had shirts that had "I'm in the slow club." on them. I tried to get one but they sold out way to fast.
Stefanie and I flew out to Nashville before the rest of our group. As I was trying to put my suitcase in the overhead compartment Stef said, "Excuse me Ma'am! There are people behind you!" The people around us got real quiet and one man stood up to help me. It was so funny! So that became our new thing. We did it several times a day when we were in a large crowd just to get reactions. People were hilarious! They didn't know that we knew each other and we're so shocked by how rude we were. It's probably not as funny to you as you read but someday I'll do it to you and you'll understand! :)
Today is our annual Christmas luncheon at work. It's my 3rd one and I've been looking forward to it for a long time. Really good food, really funny entertainment and a couple hours that I don't have to sit at my desk!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
character flaw
Secrets, secrets are no fun.
Secrets, secrets hurt someone.
I never liked secrets as a kid, I knew they would hurt someone or hurt me. Still to this day I cannot keep a secret. Some secrets are good, some are bad. I defintiely am not good at keeping either. I'm lucky to have a few different groups of friends in my life, so that if someone in one group tells me a secret, I can tell someone else who doesn't know them at all. That's how I roll.
You can tell me something in confidence, just know that I might have to tell someone else in another friend group that doesn't know you and most likely never will. I just can't hold it in.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Hi-Lo-Ha's from the last 2 weeks!
I'm adding a new segment onto every's the La, which stands for Looking Ahead. In the La portion, I will let everyone know what I'm looking forward to in the week ahead.
Friday, November 14, 2008
i'll be back!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Grace a la mode
They didn't catch the guys but my door was fixed so I went back home. I didn't sleep well that night so I woke up exhausted. I worked all morning on my lesson for LHGH. About 3 p.m. I finished my lesson and realized that I actually just spend 4 hours on next weeks lesson. So I rushed through the correct lesson and left in a hurry to get to the gym. Luckily the gym is just across the street from my office, but I was still in a hurry. I threw my laptop, books, paperwork, etc in my car, locked it...then realized that I just locked my keys in my car. The sweet maintenance guys at the church were on their way home but stop to help. They got my door open and I finally made it to the gym.
My friend Melissa and I rode the bike for 30 minutes and as we were stretching my cell phone rang. It was the pizza place where I had ordered dinner for LHGH. My church credit card was declined and they couldn't process my order. I finally got it paid for and then had to run pick up some students and then hurry back to open up the doors for the rest of our students.
It was just an off night all together. The kids were crazy and distracted. My youth workers looked frazzled and exhausted too. I eventually made my way to the driveway and mustered enough energy to get out and get into my house.
I sat down to have some quiet time with my BFF, God and realized I hadn't even spent anytime with him that day. I know that's where my exhausted and blah-ness came from. I know that spending quality time with God is what keeps me going. I hate that I'm "too busy" because I'm not. A few months ago my pastor encouraged us all to take 10 minutes to just be silent and rest and listen to God. My goal is to start doing that on a regular basis again. Thanks to God for the grace and peace he gives me on a daily basis.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Hi-Lo-Ha #7
My hi was definitely passing out candy on Halloween. It was fun to see all the kids dressed up. My friends Holly and Chris brought their kids by. Annabelle was a cheerleader and Watson was a football player. So cute! My friend Lindsey also brought her boys over. They were precious...Owen was a mouse (at least i think he was a mouse. his costume had a huge bottom and hips!) and Alec was a skeleton. :) I love little kids!
Last week was payday, except on payday I had my car insurance, car payment, drivers licensce and car tag due! POO on driving and all the change oil light and my low fuel light came on yesterday!
I had some friends who thought it would be funny to buy me an eharmony 3-month membership for my birthday last year. I did not think it was funny! They used it for entertainment and laughter. I checked it every once in awhile, but was never really interested in it. Last week I got an email from eharmony saying that they are giving me the month of November for free. Not that eharmony is bad, I actually know people who have met on dating websites and actually gotten married but I just don't think it's for me. I have actually gotten matched with people I know from college which is pretty funny and Anyway, here we go again...
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Last week, I went to visit some of the middle school students I work with at lunch. It's alwasy interesting when you enter a school cafeteria. You can immediately see the different groups. I hugged a few kids and then I saw her, I saw her sitting alone in a huge room a groups. She used to be pretty involved in the youth ministry. We talked for awhile and I told her how much I missed seeing her. That night I got a text message from her saying, "I miss church too, but those girls were really mean I don't want to come back because they'll make fun of me." How sad is that? We try to so hard to make church a place of safety. The people are the church. Teaching middle school students that can be hard. They want to befriend and help others but not at the loss of their reputation.
After thinking about for awhile I just realized that I need to lead by example. I tell my students to invite their unchurched friends to church...but I don't even have any. I long to go on mission trips and tell strangers about Jesus, but in my own town, in my own city, I'm not so good at that.
God, bring people into my life who need Jesus. Help me to make the most of the opportunities you give me to be Jesus to others. I love telling students about you and your son. I know that you have so much more for me. I want to invest in the lives of those in my community who don't have you in their life. Lead me. Guide me. Teach me Lord. I love you.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Hi-Lo-Ha (last week!)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Hi-Lo-Ha (2 weeks ago!)

Monday, October 13, 2008
Hi-Lo-Ha #4
I'm a big OU football fan. This season has been a little different because I don't have Jeremy around. He's a fanatic, which can be good or bad. This weekend was OU/Texas, the Red River Rilvary. It's a huge game, one of the biggest rivalries if not the biggest. They have to play at a neutral location and people still fight! It's craziness!
I decided to host an OU/Texas party and get some friends together. There were 12 people that showed up. Mainly OU fans but a few Texas fans as well. Even though OU lost, it was a great game. It was fun to be with fun people. No fights and not a whole lot of taunting either. :)
I got shot this week. I was walking Bailey and it was getting dark. I heard some guys yelling at each other. I looked over and decided to cross the street to get further away from them. Just as I crossed the street I heard the shot and then felt it. It put a hole in my jeans and barely grazed the side of my calf. One of the guys saw that I had been hit and they all stopped fighting. A couple of them ran over to me and called 911.
Ok sorry that's a joke, I couldn't think of a lo this week. I thought getting shot would really stink and be a good lo. Hopefully that never happens.
My Nana called last week to inform me that she had stopped by the Church of the Nazarene district office and got a list of all the Nazarene churches in Corpus Christi. Now you have to know my Nana. When she has a thought, she goes with it and nothing will stop her. She found out that one of the pastors actually lives down the street from my parents. So she decided to call him at his house. She told him about our family and asked him to call my parents and invite them to church. Then she got on their website to see what they had to offer and found that they have a single youth pastor. THEN SHE GOT EXCITED. You see my Nana has a goal to get me married. If I actually married a Nazarene pastor...she would probably pee her pants.
The pastor actually pulled up on a Harley to my dad's office. My dad is a Harley guy as well, so they talked for a bit and the pastor invited my parents to church. They went (which is another Hi of the week) and enjoyed it. I would love for my parents to get connected with some good Christian friends.
I called my Nana last night to tell her that my parents visited the church. She was very excited too. Then she proceeded to tell me that I should go visit next week while I'm in Corpus. She reminded me of the single youth pastor and told me to invite him to the beach! OH MY GOODNESS! I had to hold my breath for fear of laughing outloud at her. Can you imagine? "Um hi my name is Jaci and my Nana wants me to marry a Nazarene pastor. Would you like to go to the beach with me?"
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Opie Doesn't Live Here Anymore

Chapter One begins with Barbie facts (I've heard these a few times, but each time it hits me...). It says, "Someone once did a little calculating and discovered that if Barbie was a real, live woman, she'd stand at 7'2'' tall and have measurements of 40-22-36." I laughed when Walt wrote "I've always felt sorry for her--Barbie was cursed with a foot problem so severe that whenever she kicked off her super-high-heeled shoes, she had to walk around on the balls of her feet." I honestly never wanted to look like my Barbies, even though I thought they were pretty. I love days when I don't put makeup on and I put my hair in a ponytail and I sit around in grubby clothes. As a female though, I could easily come up with a Top 5 Things I Want to Change About My Body list and that makes me sad. I hate that the world around me has made outward appearance such a big thing.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Hi-Lo-Ha #3
My Hi this week was not to exciting, but it was really great! On Saturday, I slept until 11 a.m. then just sat in my pajamas until 2 p.m. It was wonderful. I love lazy days of watching movies and just relaxing. It was much needed!
My Lo this week would probably have to be going to the doctor on Friday. I wasn't sick, I just had a spot on my arm I wanted to get checked out. Skin cancer has made itself at home on many of my family members, so I thought I'd be safe and have it looked at. After waiting over an hour to actually see the doctor, she looked at it, pushed on it then proceeded to tell me that it was indeed, "just a spot". But that was not the end, oh no. She looked at my chart and reminded it me it was time for my last Gardasil shot ("I'm gonna be ONE LESS, ONE LESS!"). Then she walked back in and said, "Have you had your flu shot yet?" I replied, "No, I've never had one and I don't really think I need one." Her response, "Do you want to see someone with the flu? It's awful!" So I reluctantly gave in. I went in with a spot and I got 2 shots!
I'm not a professional match maker but I did decide to try it out. I got my friends, Bethany and Lee together this weekend. Over the past few weeks we have all hung out in groups, but Friday night was the big night. Bethany asked me to come over and help her get ready. She didn't want Lee to know that I was there, so I had to park my car in her garage. When the doorbell rang, Brittany and I had to hide in a closet that was not built for 2 people to hide in. We crammed in and had to hold our breath for fear of laughing. It was probably one of those moments where you had to be there, but it was definitely my Ha of the week.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Pedicures and Speeding Tickets
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

Monday, September 29, 2008
Hi-Lo-Ha #2

Monday, September 22, 2008
Hi-Lo-Ha of my Week
My goal is to start sharing my Hi-Lo-Ha of the week every Monday. My week will include the previous Monday to Sunday (yesterday).
Monday night I went to dinner with a friend from college, Sarah, who just moved back this summer. It was so great to catch up, hang out and eat some good Mexican food. I'm looking forward to spending a lot more time with her!
Friday night I went to the Oklahoma State Fair. It was probably the best time I have ever had at the fair. I went with my friends Brittany and Bethany and we were there from 5:30 to 11:30! We went and sat in all the new cars and trucks and then ate yummy fair food, then saw Hanson perform (yes, I did see Hanson and they were actually really good!)

After the concert, we walked through a bunch on new model homes and then watched some karaoke. The thing about karaoke is that there always seems to be a lot of intoxicated people around. There was a older man sitting in front of us who was completely drunk. He kept leaning back in his chair and then falling forward out of the chair. After his third fall forward, we decided to peace-out before he fell backwards onto us. We ended our night with a batch of fried-Oreos and some footsie-wootsie foot massages.

Church was fabulous yesterday. My Sunday school class is going through an 8-week study of the New Testament. It's only in week 2 and I feel so much smarter already. Yesterday, my table discussed Matthew 1-4 and the identity of Jesus and the response of the people. Good, good stuff! Then I went to church and it was great! We have been going through the book of Philippians, which is my favorite! Pastor David talked about partnership and that Paul never traveled alone because there is power in community. In my notes, I also wrote about the fact that God initiates and we respond. He always goes before us and He will always finish what he starts.
I was sick earlier in the week with allergies and a sinus infection. I went to the doctor on Monday and got some antibiotics and shot in my hinny. My pills are ginormous and yucky tasting, but only 5 more days of them. I'm definitely feeling better than I was but still not 100%.
Last night, after a lengthy conversation with Erin about life, love and other mysteries I got off my cell phone and started cleaning my house. I got all of my trash ready to go the to garbage can outside. I had a ton of trash! One bag was full of just the general kitchen trash, another had plastic and paper, and the nastiest bag had old food (curdled milk, spaghetti, old fish, etc.). After I took my trash out to the curb, I went in and got ready for bed. I crawled into my bed when I realized that I didn't have my cell phone which also doubles as my alarm. So I got out of my bed and walked around my house a few times before the thought hit me, "surely I did not throw my phone in the trash". I don't have a home phone so I decided to sign onto Facebook and IM someone who was online to call my cell phone so I could find it. I signed on and Facebook IM was down. So then I signed on to Skype. Jimmy was on! So I call him and explained my situation. He called my phone a couple times as I walked around my house and listened for it. No luck, so at 11:30 at night I take my laptop and my web cam out to the curb and sure enough, John Mayer is singing "I'm just waitin', waitin' for the world to change..." is coming from my trashcan. So I put my laptop and web cam on my car and tell Jimmy that if I get attacked I'll shine my web cam on my attacker so that they can catch him or her. Jimmy reminds me that it's dark outside and he can't even see me. So I open my trashcan and as I gag, I begin to dig through nastiness and finally find my phone. Thankfully, it wasn't covered in much gunk!
One problem with the Hi-Lo-Ha is that sometimes you get thinking about the stuff that has happened to you that week and you can't choose just one. So because I live in a world of indecisiveness, you get more than one Hi this week!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Why I love youth ministry
I led the middle school service at my church last Wednesday night. I was a little anxious and a little scattered because I was asked just a few hours before we were to begin. I had led the service a couple weeks before and our students had just been crazy, so I was also worried about not getting their attention.
After a crazy, rowdy game, we headed back inside for our prayer time . On the screen, we had past prayer requests that students took turns reading outloud. I was amazed at how focused and respectful our group was. I got up to share about the different ways God has answered the prayers I've prayed, then we started a NOOMA video called OPEN. In this particular video, Rob Bell talks about why we pray and how we pray and how God answers our prayers. It is definitely one of my favorites. The video started and then froze and never unfroze, so I asked our tech people to just pull up the powerpoint of verse, questions, and thoughts that I had made for the students to answer silently at the end of the video. The powerpoint wouldn't pull up either.
(This is when God really started to do his thing!) I asked our students to close their eyes and reflect on the 20 or so questions, verses and statements that I would read a loud. The questions ranged from: Do you pray? to Are you angry with God? to What do you need to be honest with God about? At the end, I gave them 4 oppourtunities to respond. They could sit or kneel in their chair, pray with friends, pray with youth workers, or write their prayers and requests on paper. I was overwhelmed with God's presence as students huddled in groups, holding hands and tear streaming down faces. Students were praying all over the room.
At the end of the night, I gathered over 60 written requests and as I read through them, my heart became so burdened. I KNOW that our kids are going through tough stuff, but to see their middle school handwritting and to read the words that come from their heart makes it more real. I want to hug them and never let go. I want to be their safety net and I want to keep them from the hurts of this world...but I also realize that I can't. We live in a fallen world that is painful, heart-breaking and so very sad. My love is not enough. It doesn't matter how much I love. Trust in God is the key, I need to be more trusting that God is in control. He has given me this incredible oppourtunity to work with His children and as hard as it is at times...I am so thankful.
Monday, September 15, 2008
This morning, Stefanie came into the office with her daily tall Americano with 6 Splendas and my hot chocolate. As I drank goodness, I read the cup because often that is my favorite part of the Starbucks experience.
Here is what was printed on my cup today:
The Way I See It #58I have faith. Faith in our wondrous capacity for hope and good, love and trust, healing and forgiveness. Faith in the blessing of our infinite ability to wonder, question, pray, feel, think and learn. I have faith. Faith in the infinite possibilities of the human spirit.
--James Brown, emmy-winning sportscaster and co-host of FOX NFL Sunday
When I was a kid, I had this poster of a kitten holding onto a tree branch for dear life and the poster said, Faith isn't faith until it's all your holding onto. I loved that poster! It's still a good reminder for me today. We can believe in faith but we don't always understand it until we are faced with something that makes us believe! Hebrews 11:1 says "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." I love that!
Faith has always been the mark of Christians. Without faith, where do we place our hope? I sometimes wonder how non-believers do it. I wonder how they continue without hope in Christ or in faith in God. In good times and bad, I know I can turn to God. I can't imagine not knowing Him.
God, Thank you for the reminder of how powerful and loving you are. May my faith be evident to all. Use me to build up your kingdom and to show others your love, peace, joy, and grace.
Friend of the Day - Andy Morgan

Friends from camp are not really friends, they are much more like family. Even though I don't get to talk to everyone as much as I would like, we always pick back up from where we left off and I LOVE THAT!
Last night was no different. My phone started ringing and I looked at the screen and when I saw that it was Andy Morgan a smile instantly hit my face. I just love Andy! He is genuine and honest and he always laughs at my stories!
We were catching up on life. Then somehow we started talking about "boys" and church. Andy said, "The problem is, most guys today aren't stepping up when it comes to being a leader in the spiritual sense." It was just good to hear a man actually say that. Now, I know that is not the case for all guys because I have met some incredible men grounded in their faith. I just see a lot of guys not doing much at all! They seem to be content where they are and not growing in God. I know so many awesome women of such strong faith, so my question is where are the men that are really on fire for the God?
Friday, September 12, 2008
Paper and post-its and pens....OH MY!
I am also anticipating an arrival of books from Amazon today! Anticipation is killing me. It's not like I don't know what's coming in the box because I ordered the 3 books about youth culture myself. I just can't wait to hold them in my hands instead of see the cover on the website.
Why is new stuff that way? Why does going to Target and filling up my cart with "stuff" make me happy? I know that "stuff" doesn't satisfy. There is always that new iPod, cell phone, tv, book, etc. There are times in my life when I wish I could be a minimalist and live on barely anything. I know some people do that and do it extremely well. I guess I'm just not that dedicated to it. Stuff is temporary, I know that, but a lot of it also makes life on earth a little easier or just more fun. For now, I'll just stay in the middle where I have some cool stuff but not the coolest stuff.
As I have been typing I was reminded of what Matthew wrote: "Don't hoard treasure down here where it gets eaten by moths and corroded by rust or—worse!—stolen by burglars. Stockpile treasure in heaven, where it's safe from moth and rust and burglars. It's obvious, isn't it? The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being."
God, May I be intentional about storing up my treasures in heaven and not here on earth...even if it is fun to get new "stuff".
Thursday, September 11, 2008
100 things about me
1. I have an addiction to bottled water.
2. I love Yankee candles.
3. My favorite color is red.
4. I love tennis shoes, especially when they have some pink in them.
5. I've been in love twice.
6. I had an "accident" on the day of my first piano lesson because I was so excited/nervous.
7. Chinese food is my favorite craving.
8. I love flying in airplanes.
9. Homemade salsa and guacamole are to die for.
10. My least favorite Christmas songs are Mary, Did you know? and The Little Drummer Boy..
11. I wish I was a Gilmore girl.
12. Middle school and high school students rock my world.
13. Living alone is great...most of the time.
14. I like playing games on
15. Christian novels are my weakness.
16. I wish Dave Barnes was my best friend.
17. In 6th grade after singing a solo in the school musical, my mom broke the news that singing was not my best talent and I needed to find a new one.
18. I have dislocated a knee over 10 times.
19. Massages and pedicures are my special treat to myself.
20. Camp Brookwoods and Deer Run is my favorite place on earth.
21. I collect crosses.
22. I talk to my dog in falsetto.
23. Roller coasters are so much fun.
24. I get excited about my future.
25. At times, I think I have more compassion on animals than humans.
26. I always thought I'd be a nurse when I grew up.
27. My favorite pens are Papermate Flairs.
28. I want to travel to all 50 states.
29. Love in any language, straight from the heart, pulls us all together never apart.
30. Peanut butter and chocolate combined is irresistible.
31. I hate the feel of newspaper.
32. I wish I could break dance.
33. I hated math in high school.
34. I am a rule follower, when I want to be.
35. Pandora has saved my sanity at work.
36. I have peed outside in a lot of random places with Erin.
37. I want to meet Michael W. Smith like nobody's business.
38. I am a laugh/crier, I laugh and cry at the same time.
39. My secret ambition is to be an undercover "prostitute/drug buyer" cop. Just so I can bust people.
40. OU football is the best!
41. I fall hard for guys who play the guitar.
42. I had a red Camaro convertible, I still miss it.
43. Adopting a child is something I can't wait to do.
44. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because I get to see both sides of my family in one day!
45. I am allergic to salt water and I have to take Benadryl when I go to the beach.
46. I almost died in a car accident on my home from a college class retreat.
47. I really enjoy writing papers.
48. One reason I haven't been to Africa yet is because I really don't know if I would ever come home.
49. My favorite book of the Bible is Philippians.
50. I hope I'm never to tied down to have a road trip with girlfriends.
51. Mission trips are the best thing EVER.
52. Snakes better watch themselves because if they come after me, they will be killed.
53. The sweetest thing a guy ever did for me was send me on a scavenger hunt around town that eventually ended up at my favorite restaurant where he was waiting.
54. Someday I want to get all dressed up and go to a ball.
55. Drunk drivers really tick me off.
56. Gerber daisies make me smile.
57. I secretly watch Maury.
58. I know self-defense and I use it whether I need to or not.
59. I've been a bridesmaid 7 times.
60. I love cookouts with my family and friends.
61. Nashville is my favorite city.
62. Injustice hurts my heart.
63. I want a pink electric scooter.
64. Sunday mornings are best at church!
65. The smell of rain makes me relaxed.
66. Doing dishes is my least favorite chore.
67. Hot Cheetos are awesome.
68. I love watch infomercials, but I've never actually ordered anything.
69. My favorite season is fall.
70. Jesus is the answer for the world today, above him there's no other, Jesus is the way.
71. I auditioned for Deal or No Deal and never got called back.
72. Smoothies are my favorite source of fruit servings.
73. Fireworks make me smile.
74. I like to say "Holler" for no apparent reason.
75. I don't enjoy cooking for myself.
76. I drop my cell phone and it falls apart at least 3 times a day.
77. Facebook stalking is what I do.
78. Side hugging is where it's at.
79. I really do enjoy awkward moments.
80. Stuffchristianslike is my all time favorite blog.
81. I remember being in middle school and feeling the OKC bombing in my classroom.
82. The Geico caveman really creeps me out.
83. I only like scrambled eggs when my dad makes them.
84. Drive-In movies are so cool.
85. My mom doesn't like to tell me bad news, so she usually just emails me about bad news.
86. I always wanted an older brother and a younger sister. I just got stuck with a younger brother.
87. I know that romantic comedies are not reality, but I own at least 30.
88. My favorite number is 8 because it's even and divisible by even numbers too.
89. I think jewelry looks dumb on me, so I rarely wear it.
90. Game nights are the best nights because they bring people together.
91. I love restaurants where you throw peanut shells on the floor because it makes me feel like a rebel.
92. I am a people please and I don't like confrontation.
93. The smell of dog treat entice me. I've never tried one, but have been tempted.
94. Dove chocolate is good stuff because of the chocolate and because of the wrappers.
95. My dream is to have a vacation home on a big lake.
96. I was taken to juvenile hall with 2 friends when I was 15 for being out past curfew. I had to clean out bird cages at a nursing home for community service and then realized I was allergic to birds.
97. I miss dorm life, those are some of my best memories!
98. I have to take a shower and wash my hair every morning or I feel gross all day long.
99. Spending time with God gives me peace.
100. I believe Wi-Fi is one of the greatest inventions of all time.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Moments with Michael

Since then, I've seen him all but once when he was in town. I regret that one time...I was in high school and my boyfriend at the time wanted me to come to his football game, so I did. We broke up the next week, I missed out on Michael for that...UGH!
Anyway, Michael and Steven Curtis Chapman are coming to Tulsa in October and I am estatic. Everyone just laughs at me when I tell them that I bought 2 tickets. I don't care! I am going and someone will come with me...even if it is just to make fun of me. Whatever...I'll see Michael and it will be A to the wesome.
Just yesterday I found out that Michael might be coming to MY church for our 100th year anniversary in October 2009! You know I would just die! How great would that be! It may be my big chance to meet Michael. I know I'm a little crazy, but friends are friends forever if the Lord's the lord of them right?
Monday, September 8, 2008
Getting Smarter Soon!
Since I started directing Life Hurts God Heals (the 8-step program for students), God has just continued to confirm in me the desire to do counseling. I've looked at several programs at different univerisities and seminaries over the past few months. I am actually meeting with an advisor at Oklahoma City University on Thursday. OCU is a private university that is affliated with the United Methodist church, but is not necessarily a "christian" university. I'm not really sure how that all works, but I feel really good about the school. I have a lot of questions and I'm not really sure how long it will take or what I need to do to get accpeted, but I'm starting the process.
What I ultimately want to do is child and adolescent counseling in a "play" setting. What I've found working with students at my church is that students hate just sitting one-on-one and talking about their "ish". But when you get them playing foosball, ping-pong, cooking, etc, THEY TALK! It really is incredible. I am shocked everytime. I know students that open up more at LHGH after 2 visits than after months or even years of counseling.
I'm looking forward to this next adventure in my life. I know that it is definitely God led and that makes it that much more exciting!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The 23rd Psalm
Now I was a really cool Bible quizzer back in the day, so I'm pretty much an NIV girl although every now and then I pick up a NLT...which I did today.
The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.
He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams.
He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.
Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.
You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.
Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.
God is going to take care of me, I need nothing but HIM!
He gives me strength when I am weak, he gives me rest when I need it!
Though difficult times, I know that God is there! He looks after me and protects me even when I have no idea!
I am in one of those places in my life where I know change is coming. At the moment I have no idea where God is leading. All I know is that I am seeking after Him and I am ready to follow.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
4 weeks on the go...
The past 4 weeks have absolutely flown by. I am blessed to have a job that allows me to "travel" a lot! In 4 weeks, I have been to El Paso, TX, Austin, TX, and Tishomingo, OK TWICE!
Our high school group went to El Paso for a mission trip, which was the BEST MISSION TRIP EVER! I absolutely loved spending time with our girls and our youth workers. We accomplished so much in just a week! We ran 3 VBS's, roofed 2 homes, remodeled the student ministries and children's ministries rooms, had 2 community dinners, 2 showings of the Jesus film....the list goes on and on. It was great seeing God working in and through the lives of our students. Plus I learned how to say HOLLER in Spanish! GRITO! God has continued to lay missions on my heart since NYC 99. It was reconfirmed again in El Paso. I am seeking God and excited to see where he leads.
My parents moved to Corpus Christi, while I was in El Paso. Although I've known they were leaving for a long time, it didn't make it any easier. I was sad not to actually be there to say goodbye. I am excited for my parents and I know this will be something that draws my family closer together. I'm just really missing not having them close.
I was home from El Paso for about 4 days before leaving for Austin to visit Jamie and Mariko! Their apartment was so stinkin' cute! We had a lot of fun together. 4th of July was great in the big state of Texas. My plane coming home was delayed for 3 hours. I flew into OKC around 1 a.m. and I was so exhausted and not looking forward to leaving for preteen camp the next morning. I called Stef and of course she was more than encouraging. She reminded me that our strength is in the Lord and that when we are weak he is strong....i think there's a song about that. :)
Preteen Camp was awesome! I loved hanging out with our 6th grade girls. I didn't really have any strong connections with them until camp. God really moved in several of their lives and it was so encouraging to see! I also saw God working in my own life. I found closer in some situations that were going on back home. It was really fun to meet some new friends throughout our district and just laugh A LOT! The fruit of the spirit song is actually a form of demon possession....or so the missionary lady thought.
Teen Camp was the last week. Chris, Stef, and I were in charge of directing. Which I had its up and downs. There is a lot of past stuff that was brought up. I know God is in full control, it's just tough to see students in pain. My one-on-one time with God was incredible. I went through 1 Corithians 13 and Pslam 23 verse by verse and just asked God to mold me and make me into the person that he created me to be. I feel like God and I took a great step forward this week. It's funny how you go into mission trips, camps, etc. thinking of how God is going to work in the lives of students and then He hits you upside the head. God is definitely good ALL THE TIME!